Nāṭyadarpaṇa Sūtram
Sloka 35-45
फलायौत्सुक्यमारम्भः प्रयत्नो व्यापृतौ त्वरा। फलसम्भावना किञ्चित् प्राप्त्याशा हेतुमात्रतः।।३५।।
phalāyautsukyamārambhaḥ prayatno vyāpṛtau tvarā| phalasambhāvanā kiñcit prāptyāśā hetumātrataḥ||35||
The Ārambha is eagerness for the fruit, Prayatna is haste in the activities, and slight anticipation of the fruit is Prāptyāśā.
नियताप्तिरुपायानां साफल्यात् कार्यनिर्णयः। साक्षादिष्टार्थसम्भृतिर्नायकस्य फलागमः।।३६।।
niyatāptirupāyānāṃ sāphalyāt kāryanirṇayaḥ| sākṣādiṣṭārthasambhṛtirnāyakasya phalāgamaḥ||36||
Niyatāpti is the certainty of the fruit. Immediate achievement of the fruit by Hero is Phalāgama.
मुखं प्रतिमुखं गर्भामर्शनिवर्हणान्यमी। सन्धयो मुख्यवृत्तांशाः पञ्चावस्थानुगाः क्रमात्।।३७।।
mukhaṃ pratimukhaṃ garbhāmarśanivarhaṇānyamī| sandhayo mukhyavṛttāṃśāḥ pañcāvasthānugāḥ kramāt||37||
Mukha, Pratimukha, Garbha, Amarsha, Nirvahana - these are the five Sandhi sequentially following the main event.
मुखं प्रधानवृत्तांशो बीजोत्पत्तिरसाश्रयः। प्रतिमुखं कियल्लक्ष्यबीजोद्घाटसमन्वितः।।३८।।
mukhaṃ pradhānavṛttāṃśo bījotpattirasāśrayaḥ| pratimukhaṃ kiyallakṣyabījodghāṭasamanvitaḥ||38||
Mukha is part of the main plot where Bīja originates. Pratimukha is that which originates from Bīja gets manifested in upcoming activities
बीजस्यौन्मुख्यवान् गर्भो लाभालाभगवेषणैः। उद्भिन्नसाध्यविघ्नात्मा विमर्शो व्यसनादिभिः।।३९।।
bījasyaunmukhyavān garbho lābhālābhagaveṣaṇaiḥ| udbhinnasādhyavighnātmā vimarśo vyasanādibhiḥ||39||
It is that part of the plot which is accompanied by the stage Prāptyāśā. The seed which has originated and manifests further develops to a stage wherein it is gained and lost in turns by the hero and he frequently searches every time it is lost.
सबीजविकृतावस्थाः नानाभावा मुखादयः। फलासंयोगिनो यस्मिन् असौ निर्वहणो ध्रुवम्।।४०।।
sabījavikṛtāvasthāḥ nānābhāvā mukhādayaḥ| phalāsaṃyogino yasmin asau nirvahaṇo dhruvam||40||
Amarśa is that part of the plot where the Bīja which is sown in Mukha and is fast developing into fruit meets with some serious obstacles. Nirvahaṇa is that part of the plot where the Bīja and it’s different stages development together are shown to contribute is the product of fruit.
उपक्षेपः परिकरः परिन्यासः समाहितिः। उद्भेदः करणं चैतान्यत्रैवाथ विलोभनम्।।४१।।
upakṣepaḥ parikaraḥ parinyāsaḥ samāhitiḥ| udbhedaḥ karaṇaṃ caitanyatraivātha vilobhanam||41||
Upakṣepa, Parikara, Parinyāsa, Samāhiti, Udbheda, Karaṇa and Vilobhana - all of these pertain to Mukha alone, not elsewhere.
भेदनं प्रापणं युक्तिर्विधानं परिभावना। सर्वसन्धिष्वमूनि स्युः द्वादशाङ्गमुखं ध्रुवम्।।४२।।
bhedanaṃ prāpaṇaṃ yuktirvidhānaṃ paribhāvanā| sarvasandhiṣvamūni syuḥ dvādaśāṅgamukhaṃ dhruvam||42||
Bhedana, Prāpaṇa, Yukti, Vidhāna, and Paribhāvanā- all of these 12 are the present in all the Sandhis.
बीजस्योप्तिरुपक्षेपः स्वल्पव्यासः परिक्रिया। विनिश्चयः परिन्यासः पुनर्न्यासः समाहितिः।।४३।।
bījasyoptirupakṣepaḥ svalpavyāsaḥ parikriyā| viniścayaḥ parinyāsaḥ punarnyāsaḥ samāhitiḥ||43||
Sowing the Bīja is Upakṣepa, expansion of the pre-suggested motive is Parikara, conforming the expanded Bīja is Parinyāsa, expansion pre-suggested motive to the fullest Samāhiti.
स्वल्पप्ररोह उद्भेदः करणं प्रस्तुतक्रिया। विलोभनं स्तुतेर्गार्ध्यम् भेदनं पात्रनिर्गमः।।४४।।
svalpapraroha udbhedaḥ karaṇaṃ prastutakriyā| vilobhanaṃ stutergārdhyam bhedanaṃ pātranirgamaḥ||44||
Slight growth of Bīja is Udbheda, presenting the appropriate action is Karaṇa, Vilobhana baiting through praise, exiting from the stage is Bhedana.
प्रापणं सुखसम्प्राप्तिः युक्तिः कृत्यविचारणा। विधानं सुखदुःखाप्तिः विस्मयः परिभावना।।४५।।
prāpaṇaṃ sukhasamprāptiḥ yuktiḥ kṛtyavicāraṇā| vidhānaṃ sukhaduḥkhāptiḥ vismayaḥ paribhāvanā||45||
Attainment of the joy is Prāpaṇa, Yukti is the making of strategy, Vidhāna is the attainment of happiness and sorrow, curiosity is Paribhāvanā.